buchetta del vino

Wine windows

No other city in the world can boast as many noble families linked to the production of wine as Florence. Just walk through the historical centre and keep, guide in hand, an eye on the names of the palaces: Antinori, Capponi, Frescobaldi, Ginori, Gondi, Contini Bonacossi and so on.
On some of these buildings you can see, at human height, curious openings in the shape of a tabernacle. One time it has nothing to do with religion, it is in fact the wine windows are openings through which the sale of wine produced by noble families was practiced.
In short, a sort of miniature workshop, the right size to pass the stuffed flask 23 x 36 cm.
There are about 170 in the municipality of Florence, some well preserved, others almost invisible. Almost nobody notices them, but they are a testimony of the wine tradition of the city and its countryside.

Some of these have recently been restored and some shops have decided to revive this unique and special experience of a glass of wine or an ice cream through the old windows. Here are their addresses.

Photo credits: Associazione Buchette del Vino
Walking route
via Palchetti 416761
via del Trebbio 1R16761
via Santo Spirito 21R16761
via del Proconsolo 1016761
via Ginori 1416761
via Isola delle Stinche 7R16761