Chiesa di San Lorenzo alle Rose

San Lorenzo alle Rose Church

The first written evidence regarding this building appears in a document dating to February 11 1120 which mentions it under the patronage of the Camaldolese order. Later, it was given to the Impruneta parish church with an edict by Pope Adrian IV in 1156. From 1323 the church was also the seat for the meetings of the family heads of the area, but in spite of this, the patronage wasn't up to them but it was shared among the Impruneta parish priest, the Camaldoli abbot and the de'Rossi family, and indeed these patrons collectively elected in 1324 the new rector in the person of the priest Benuccio di Baccuccio.

It features a simple gabled facade preceded by a portico on Tuscan columns. The appearance of the interior, with a single rectangular shaped nave, is due to the 16th century restorations. On that occasion additions and renovations were carried out, in fact the side altars were raised and a stone altar replaced the wooden one.

Behind the main altar there is an Annunciation attributed to the Maestro di Serumido, an early 16th century Florentine artist. Placed on the right side altar is a painting portraying Saint Nicholas of Bari, a 1596 work by Andrea Boscoli. On the left one is a painting attributed to Francesco Curradi, portraying Saints Dominic and Catherine, open in the centre in which the Madonna with Child by Taddeo Gaddi was placed, later moved to the side chapel left of the presbytery.

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Points of interest
Churches and places of worship
Poligono GEO

Chiesa di San Lorenzo alle Rose

Chiesa di San Lorenzo alle Rose

Vicolo Rose, 7, 50023 Impruneta FI, Italia

Vicolo Rose, 7, 50023 Impruneta FI, Italia
Opening hours
Opening hours:
Open during functions
Tipo gestione
Accessibility:  general