La Fiorita. Commemoration of Savonarola's death

La Fiorita. Commemoration of Savonarola's death

Florence is once again celebrating the Fiorita on the anniversary of the death of Frà Girolamo Savonarola. The Dominican friar, prior of San Marco and moraliser of public morals, he was condemned for heresy and executed at the stake on 23 May 1498 in Piazza della Signoria. The ceremony is celebrated with a Mass in the Cappella dei Priori in Palazzo Vecchio, followed by the placing of flowers - the Fiorita - in correspondence with the memorial plaque dedicated to him in the square, where he was burnt together with his confreres Domenico Buonvicini and Silvestro Maruffi.   All with the accompaniment of music and the performance of the flag-wavers The homage starts at 10.30 a.m. from Piazza della Signoria with an Infiorata and historical procession and reaches Ponte Vecchio at 11 a.m. where rose petals are symbolically thrown into the Arno.

Click here to learn more about the history of Fra' Girolamo Savonarola.


Photo credits: Rete Civica Comune di Firenze
Folk traditions

The program

10 am - the Historical Parade of the Florentine Republic will start from Piazzetta di Parte Guelfa, and getting through Via Porta Rossa, Mercato Nuovo, Via Vacchereccia to Piazza della Signoria.
10.30 am - Piazza della Signoria - Infiorata.
11 a.m. - the Historical Parade of the Florentine Republic will proceed to Via Vacchereccia, Por Santa Maria, where the flowers will be symbolically thrown into the Arno river.
The procession will return to the Palagio di Parte Guelfa at the end of the event around 11:30 a.m.

Folk traditions