Pulcherrima Testimonia. Hidden Treasures in the Archidiocese of Florence

Pulcherrima Testimonia. Hidden Treasures in the Archidiocese of Florence

The works in the exhibition Pulcherrima Testimonia. Hidden Treasures in the Archdiocese of Florence in the complex of the Basilica of San Lorenzo are an important synthesis of the immense artistic heritage preserved and guarded in the territory of the diocese that stretches from the slopes of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines to the province of Siena.

The exhibition is the result of a ten-year inventory and catalogue activity that ended in December 2019.

From 7 December 2023 to 8 September 2024 at the Salone Donatello of the Complesso di San Lorenzo.

Photo credits:

Pulcherrima Testimonia. Tesori nascosti nell’Arcidiocesi di Firenze

La mostra si compone di autentici capolavori d’arte, provenienti dalla città, frutto di ricche committenze, ma anche di oggetti più semplici, realizzati per piccole parrocchie di campagna: dipinti su tavola e su tela, crocifissi, statue, oreficerie, reliquari, arredi e paramenti, tabernacoli, libri e codici, fino ai più semplici rosari.

Si tratta di tutte opere perlopiù sconosciute e mai viste, riscoperte e valorizzate dai curatori della mostra e disposte in sezioni distinte, consentendo così di raccontare l'espressone della fede attraverso i secoli e l'identità culturale dei diversi luoghi e delle comunità.

The exhibition consists of authentic masterpieces of art from the city as the result of rich patronage, but also of simpler objects, made for small country parishes: paintings on wood and canvas, crucifixes, statues, gold, reliquaries, furnishings and vestments, tabernacles, books and codices, right down to the simplest rosaries.

These works are all largely unknown and never seen works, rediscovered and enhanced by the curators of the exhibition and arranged in separate sections, thus making it possible to recount the expression of faith through the centuries and the cultural identity of different places and communities.


Opening hours
07-12-2023 - 08-09-2024
Entrance fee:
€ 9.00