A Fiesole

Amir Project

In Florence, the Amir project, a word that in Arabic means 'young prince' but at the same time stands for 'Accoglienza Musei Inclusione Relazione' (Reception Museums Inclusion Report), has been running for a few years now. It proposes tours of Florence on themes that can best be explained through the eyes of foreigners who have immigrated to Italy.

The tours that are proposed are decidedly unusual and offer a totally new view of the city of Florence (and Fiesole). On topics such as The Passion for the Exotic or Colonial Florence, or Christian Art through the Eyes of Islam, completely new aspects of our city and culture are explored.

Thanks to 33 cultural mediators from all over the world, the conviction that culture brings with it well-being and integration becomes a reality. Moreover, these tours present themselves as a pathway aimed at fostering dialogue between tourists or Florentines and immigrants, between western culture and African or Asian cultures, building over time a relationship of confidence, frequentation and participation in heritage on the part of people with a migrant background.

All activities are free of charge but reservation is compulsory, discover  more on the website. 

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AMIR Project